
At Maracos, you can always return products within 30 days. Request a return form from customer service and include it with the package.

Once we have received the package in good order, we will refund the purchase amount to the account used for the purchase.

Send an email to with the following information:

- Order number
- Name of the order
- Email address used to place the order
- Your request for the return form

The items you return must be in a sellable condition. Used and/or liquid items are not accepted for return due to hygienic reasons.

If you have received your order damaged, always make sure to include a photo of the damaged item.

We will process your email promptly to start the return process.

**Return Conditions:**

- You bear the risk of the return shipment in case it gets lost or arrives damaged during transport (we therefore recommend returning items insured).
- Products must be returned within the viewing period of 14 days, which starts on the day you receive your item(s).
- The item must be in its original condition and factory packaging.
- Please note: shipping costs for returning the product are the responsibility of the customer.